Friday, February 13, 2009

Ronald McDonald House

If you aren't already a subscriber, pick up the February issue of Portico. This month, the Giving Tree section features my story on Jackson's Ronald McDonald House. Honestly, I didn't know much about what the RMH did until I started doing research for this story. They house families who have seriously ill children and have to travel to Jackson for medical care. Basically, they serve as a home away from home so that parents don't have to sleep in the hospital waiting room. I can't imagine being faced with that situation. Some of the stories I heard were so touching and the way the RMH is helping these families is so commendable. Go get a copy!


Monica said...

Debbie is leaving you a note:
"She is gonna be big!!!"
Love ya!

Amanda Wells said...

Love that woman!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

We LOVE RMH. My husband's mother stayed there up in Michigan when his little brother went through many heart surgeries as a child. What a great cause! :)

AM said...

The RMH was a huge blessing for my best friend's family during a very difficult time for them. Thank you for drawing attn to it.