Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wingard Home & Mac's Cove

If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know about the Wingard Home and how special it has become to me. Fortunately, I'm not alone. Natasha McLaurin, a local fashion designer recently read about the Wingard Home in the Rankin Ledger and is now hosting her first annual Mac's Cove Wingard Home Ministry Benefit Show this Saturday at Mynelle Gardens. She's a very talented designer who not only has a passion for fashion, but a passion for keeping it here in Mississippi, which you know I love...
Read my story on the show here.


Sandi said...

It was great to meet you the other day ... can't wait to read about the Thanksgiving dinners!

I had read your story about the Wingard Home, but it had been a while. What a great charity to support. Thanks for posting.

black betty said...

that is awesome! thank you for sharing with us. there aren't enough of these types of shelters/help around.

Amanda Wells said...

Sandi - nice to meet you too. The kids were so much fun! Thanks for your help!

Randi Troxell said...

this place sounds wonderful... i wish other places had something like this... i love that it's not just a shelter but a christian shelter too. great article!!